December 26, 2023: We still don’t yet know the Toy Story 5 release date. As we approach 2024 however, it’s closer than ever before!

In an investors’ call in February 2023, Disney announced a slew of new sequels to existing franchises. Chief of them all was a new Toy Story film, hence why discussion of the Toy Story 5 release date has set the internet ablaze.

In this guide, we’ll break down what we know so far about the Toy Story 5 release date. The latest adventure from Woody, Buzz, and co. may seem far off, but there’s no better time than the present to start getting excited.

When is the Toy Story 5 Release Date?

Woody and Bo Peep in Toy Story 4.

As it stands, the Toy Story 5 release date is bound to be very far off. If you asked us, we wouldn’t expect to see the film until at least 2026 or 2027.

All you need to do is look at how long it generally takes Toy Story films to come out. Let’s take 2019’s fourth entry as an example. It was announced way back in late 2014, before ultimately releasing just under five years later. If we’re going off that logic, there’s an awful long wait ahead of Toy Story fans.

However, the Lightyear spin-off tells a different story. This sci-fi adventure starring Chris Evans as the iconic astronaut was announced in late 2020, before releasing 18 months later in the summer of 2022. There’s always a chance Pixar will fast-track development on Toy Story 5 to give audiences the sequel they really want.

Of course, that all still remains to be seen. All we know so far is that Toy Story 5 is definitely in production. Until we hear more, we’ll have to hope it’s become top priority at Pixar! In the meantime, feel free to catch up on some of our recent articles below: