Those ready for the latest chapter of the beloved horror series will definitely want to know whether A Quiet Place: Day One has a post credits scene. While franchise creator John Krasinski isn’t back in the director’s chair this time, an A-list cast including Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, and Djimon Hounsou more than makes up for it. Let’s see whether or not there’s anything after the credits roll!

A Quiet Place: Day One Post Credits Scene Explained

It is very unlikely that A Quiet Place: Day One will contain a post credits scene. As such, you can safely leave your seat once the credits start rolling.

While this has yet to be confirmed by Paramount Pictures, the weight of evidence suggests there won’t be an extra scene at the end of A Quiet Place: Day One. Using the series’ second entry from 2021 as an example, there was no post credits scene. The same can be said for the 2018 original, meaning Day One would have to step out of tradition to include a post credits scene.

Two characters in a dark room in A Quiet Place: Day One.

Equally, because it’s a prequel, it wouldn’t make much sense for A Quiet Place: Day One to tease anything after the credits. After all, we already know what happens next, as the plague of sound-sensitive monsters spreads and we’re introduced to Krasinski’s Lee and his wife Evelyn, played by Emily Blunt. Unless there ends up being a sequel to this prequel, there’s no reason to tease anything further.

Of course, don’t forget that there’s a new director at the helm here, in the shape of Michael Sarnoski. He’s best known for directing the Nicolas Cage indie darling Pig, as well as a few short films. There’s every chance Sarnoski will want to mark his place in the franchise by including its first-ever post credits scene, but it seems unlikely.

That’s all you need to know about the A Quiet Place: Day One post credits scene! Check out the links below for even more handy articles.